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2012 November 22

From today we are inviting applications to participate in the Politics of Evidence conference that will take place next 23rd and 24th April in the United Kingdom at the Institute of Development Studies, viagra Sussex.

The conference will generate four outputs:

  • Conceptual clarity about ‘the politics of evidence’ and ‘political space’ within the debates and practices around development results
  • Mapping of the consequences for all levels (from beneficiaries to senior management) of narrow focus on evidence and results;
  • Tried and tested strategies for organisations and individuals to deal with the concepts and demands related to everyday politics surrounding results-oriented measurement;
  • Conceptual clarity around narrow discourse and protocols from evidence in relation to key debates, capsule such as value for money, including an analysis of the political processes that define room for appropriate options.

Who is the conference for?

People who are employed by organisations (as staff or consultants) with a development purpose and who are involved in receiving and passing on funds and/or influencing development policy and practice. Participants could be from governments and NGOs, multilateral and bilateral agencies, philanthropic foundations, think tanks etc, as well as independent consultants.  We are keen to ensure a diversity of perspectives and experiences are represented at the conference; applications will be considered with that purpose in mind. Priority will be given to early applications, but you may be placed on a reservation list until applications close. We plan to close the application window at the end of February 2013.

Conference vision

Irrespective of their institutional location, this conference for people who hope their work can support local, national and globally organised efforts to change the power relations and structures that create and reproduce inequality, injustice and the non-fulfilment of human rights.   Our vision is to expand the politico/managerial space within the sector so that those with a commitment to transformative change can influence the design and assessment of development strategies and programmes.

Conference approach

We are encouraging applicants to share their experience and strategies. We are not inviting formal academic papers. On Day One, following a plenary presentation and discussion of the ‘politics of evidence’ and ‘political space’ within the debates and practices around development results and evidence-based programming, participants will examine and debate the consequences of these for development  practices. Day Two we will focus on strategies for organisations and individuals to deal with the concepts and demands related to everyday politics surrounding results-oriented design and measurement and evidence-based programming.

Practical matters including cost

Details about how to reach the conference venue and a list of suitable hotels will be sent to confirmed participants. Letters of invitation will be issued to those requiring visas to enter the UK.

The conference fee will be £400. This covers the conference administration costs and lunches and refreshments on the 23rd and 24th (including a drinks reception on the evening of the 23rd). Participants are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. We very much regret that we lack the funds to cover the travel or conference costs of any of the participants – we are scarcely managing to raise sufficient funds to make the conference happen!

You will be advised about payment methods once you have confirmation of a place. Participation can be cancelled prior to 22 February but will be subject to a £50 administration admin fee.


5 Responses
  1. Sherry Joseph permalink
    March 5, 2013

    I look forward to read more on the deliberations of the conference. May not be able to attend.
    All the very best.

  2. December 21, 2012

    Very keen on the conference outcomes, as I may not be able to attend due to lack of funds. The discussion around results- based reporting is relevant to me as we are currently seeing manyd evelopment agencies requiring this as part of the funding proposals an reporting. I look forward to accessing discussions once they are posted online.

  3. ALICE OMARIBA permalink
    November 27, 2012

    This is a good forum for think tankers.However,due to financial constraints many of us my not afford the fee so that we can share the experiences.How i wish there was a way you could help me attend the conference, interact and share the politic of my country.

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  1. The Political Implications of Evidence-Based Approaches (aka Start of This Week’s Wonkwar on the Results Agenda) : Education Blog
  2. From Poverty to Power by Duncan Green » Blog Archive » The political implications of evidence-based approaches (aka start of this week’s wonkwar on the results agenda)

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