Book Launches
2015 December 9
The Politics of Results and Evidence in International Development: Playing the Game to Change the Rules?
As you will know our book was published in July 2015.
We thought you might be interested in some of the events that have occurred since then.
These have included:
- A launch in the UK chaired by the Director of the Institute of Development Studies Melissa Leach, buy which included presentations by book editors and chapter authors Rosalind Eyben, generic Cathy Shutt and Brendan Whitty with a response by Alison Evans the Chief Commissioner of UK’s Independent Commission for Aid Impact. You can listen to the podcast of this event.
- A launch in Sweden which included presentations Rosalind Eyben, and Cathy Shutt and chapter author Janet Vähämäki, and responses by discussants (Ulrika Modéer, State Secretary for International Development Cooperation; Kim Forss, an Evaluation Specialist; Anna Hedlund from In Develop and Henrik Arnstadt – a Journalist). You can see the presenter’s powerpoint here and a video of their talks here. And a video of the responses here
- A launch in Australia which included brief inputs by book editors Chris Roche and Irene Guijt, and responses by Duncan Green and Dennis Altman.
- You can also see a review of the book here by Duncan Green here as well as a great paper on ‘Theories of Change’ by Craig Valters which quotes the book quite intensively.
Our thanks to all involved. If readers come across other reviews, papers or reports which cite the book we would be very interested in hearing about this. Please use the comments box below to alert us to these if you can. Thank-you!
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